The Twentieth Year

Kani, my friend, you are exceptional. I can’t even begin to thank you for becoming my friend at Bridge Builders and helping push me out of my shell. That karaoke night really was one of the very first steps to my becoming the different person that you saw at our staff reunion just the other week. Your confidence and who you are really are an inspiration and I hope you have the best birthday!

Naturally Kani

This entire year I’ve blogged under the category “The Twentieth Year”. Since my birthday is New Years Eve’s Eve, I spend the entire year prepping for my day of birth and getting excited. While I’ve spent practically the whole year as a nineteen year old,this year marked my twentieth full year on the planet. And it has been a crazy year of growth; I’m so thankful that you out there in cyberspace have stayed along for the ride.

I’ve written about things that infuriate me, things that inspire me, things that make me happy to be alive. This year has literally flown by and I’m so amazed by the sheer awesomeness of it. Y’all, I spent so long in the shadow of the valley death, when years roll around that don’t scare me, I have to thank God for reassuring me of His grace. The years that are unmarked…

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About somewhatsara

Hello, internet friends! My name is Sara and I am a college freshman. Books are my best friends and my computer is the reason I don’t go outside. I am majoring in English and double minoring in Writing and Game Studies and Design, so maybe you’ll be playing one of my games someday. I never go anywhere without some type of music and I draw when I’m bored, although not very well.

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